Wednesday, September 24, 2008

48 hours after surgery

Here are a few pictures of Hannah 48 hours after surgery. Her little lips and cheeks are pretty swollen today, but she doesn't seem to be in a lot of pain. I think this kid has a huge pain tolerance level. I am feeding her a lot of soft foods today. She wants the other foods though. Hannah is getting use to the No No bands. Her little nose still has quite bit of blood on/in it. I wanted to clean up, but the nurses at the hospital said leave it alone. Over all we are having a good day. Playing with her blocks!
Trying to open them up.
Washing her dishes.
The No No bands. They prevent her from bending her arm to touch her face.
Mom how many more days for the tubes in my nose?


Anonymous said...

bless her heart... it does look like they did a great job. i hope she heals quickly.

Heather said...

She looks great! Boy...those surgeries are hard aren't they! It is usually harder on us then them! And the older Kailey gets...the harder it is on me! I remember those cribs from when they removed Kailey's kidney! Bringing back some memories!
I am glad Hannah looks happy and healthy!

Journey To Luke said...

YAY for Hannah. She looks GREAT! Glad things went well. We will continue to lift you all in prayer.
