Friday, September 5, 2008

Pre-op Appointment

David and I took Hannah for her pre-op appointment with the plastic surgeon today. He said that everything looks really good and we are ready to go. He said the surgery should be about 1 to 2 hours long. Hannah will have to spend one night in the hospital. That should be real fun! Her doctor told us to take lots of pictures of her before her surgery, because she is going to look different afterwards. She will have to wear NO-NO bands on her arms for about 2 weeks. She is going to be one unhappy camper! No more thumb sucking:(

1 comment:

Brownie Troop 157 said...

uh oh. good luck with the thumb issue. My Maonan beauty has also sucked her thumb from day one, and continues today at almost 3.5yrs.

We'll be sending good thoughts your way for the surgery AND the thumb issue and hope everything turns out well.

Kind regards,

Carol and Taylor