Sunday, December 2, 2007

Jake's Rollercoasters and Random Stuff Site! !

Hey everyone! I have a blogspot now and I post all of the news presses from Disney, and some videos of coasters that is going to be in my video that is going to come out sometime in the next year or so. I post pictures from school events, youth trips, and when we go to China, I will be posting all my stuff on my blog. There is a link on the side of the family site that says, Jake's Rollercoaster blog. Click on that and it will take it to the site. or you could just save the link. Here's the link.
I hope you enjoy it !
>> Jake |*-*|


Anonymous said...

LOL... I'm lovin that picture of Jacob!! :-) I'll check out your blogspot.

Anonymous said...

Good point, though sometimes it's hard to arrive to definite conclusions