Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Update on us

I know it has been awhile since I have posted anything. We have all been really busy. David had a conference in San Diego last month. We got to go with him on this one. Teresa, Amy and Carson met us down there and we all went to the zoo one day. We had a great time. The kids and I hung out and RELAXED it was awesome. I realized my kids are growing up to fast. On Sunday before we headed home we went to Sea World for the day with David.
David and some wonderful friends came from all over California to help move the business to Bakersfield. It is taking awhile to get everything hooked up and working. The new office looks awesome. David has done a great job decorating and getting everything put back. So if you are ever in his neighborhood stop by to take a peek.
Jacob is on his last quarter of school. I don't know where the time is going this year, it seems that we just started school. He is playing baseball this spring and loving it. I am very proud of him. He has done an awesome job adapting to high school life after being home schooled for the last 4 years.
Emily is getting ready for school next year. She is going to go to Olive Knolls. She is getting really excited. She had her 13Th birthday. It is hard for me to believe that we have teenagers now. She is going to blossom next year.
I am still working my tail off at work. There never seems to be a day where I can get caught up with all the paper work or training. We are getting ready for our big fundraiser at work. We are still waiting on Hannah. We switched to the special needs program. What I consider special needs and what they consider special needs is really different. We hope to get a call soon. I HOPE!!!

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