Monday, July 7, 2008

Bus ride back to the Hotel


Amy Whisnant said...

I love these pictures of her on the bus!!
Wow!! Adorable!!

Anonymous said...

I, too, love these pictures of David and Hannah. Looks like she is going to be a daddy's girl!!! I can tell she feels very comfortable with David as she is looking him in the eyes and leaning toward him. So cute!!! She is so sweet. I am sure she is wondering who in the world all these white people with glasses and blonde hair are. Don't you wish you could read her little mind? Can't wait to hear more Hannah stories and what your first few hours with her have been like. Has she been crying much? If she has, just remember this is normal and it will take a little time for her to soak it all in and build trust in you. Have you been doing any of the bonding tips like we read on Sophie's blog? Just curious. I love you all and thought and talked about you all day at work. Everyone I share your story with just loves to hear more and more. You truly have been blessed and so has Hannah. You have such an amazing story to share and this little girl will be an example to many of why it is a Godly act to adopt. It was God's plan for Hannah's life to be adopted and He has an amazing plan. Miss you all greatly!!!

T in Texas

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of Hannah drinking her bottle. That is such a sweet picture! I am so happy for your whole family to have Hannah, but more happy for Hannah for having your family!

Stacie-Britnie's mom!