Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Six Flags

Riddler's Revenge- A standup coaster, with 7 loops. Jake got stuck on the lift hill for 15 minutes!
Emily being goofy ontop of the Skytower Museum.
Group Photo infront of the fountains.
The world's first looping coaster, meets the tallest, fastest, and longest FLYING coaster.
This is Emily's favorite coaster. It's fast, and FUN!
Emily and Chelsea being funny.
Cheryl, Chelsea, and Em in line for Ninja.
Overview of Tatsu. This is now in Jake's top 10 favorite coaster list now!

The kids went to Six Flags today. Chelsea, their cousin from Texas was is out for a visit, and Jake couldn't resist taking her to Six Flags, so, Aunt Carrie, Cheryl and Nanny took them down there. It was a fun day, filled with some of the funnest coasters in the world.

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