Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dad is sick!

My dad is really sick and in the hospital. Yesterday we had to have him transported to the hospital. He was very disorientated and out of it. He had to do a fasting blood work in the morning so we that his sugar maybe caused it, but we really don't know what is causing it. The doctors can't get is sugar levels in the normal zone. When he got to the ER is sugar level was 1066. Yes that's right! Normal is 80 - 110. Talk about a scare. His potassium and salt levels are all messed up to. They have him on the heart floor to monitor him. The doctors seemed to think that maybe something internally is wrong and that is what is causing his levels to not be right. I will keep you posted. This has been a HUGE wake up call for me and what I put into my mouth. I really don't want diabetes. It is a horrible disease.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME CHRISTMAS PHOTO!!! Was it taken at Disneyland?

I have been praying for your dad a lot. Please know that we are lifting him up daily. I pray that they will find out exactly what is going on with the blood sugar and get it under control soon. Let me know.

Love you all and miss you. Have a wonderful Christmas season celebrating Jesus and all the blessings He has given us.

T in... the weather is bipolar here, hot one day, 80's, then cold the next ,30's, then hot again, then cold again...all week body is so confused and don't know how to dress in the mornings...Texas