Monday, December 8, 2008

Fog & Banana bread

Today is a very cold, wet, and foggy day. I am all caught up on work right at the moment, so I thought today would be a perfect day to bake. I had 4 very ripe bananas so I turned them into banana bread. I did it a little differently this time I used Splenda instead of sugar and egg beaters instead of eggs. It turned out really good. There is nothing quite like hot banana bread and a dab of butter. It makes the house smell so good while it is cooking.


Anonymous said...

Ok I am seriously jealous right now. I love banana bread more than anything! T in tx

Red Leader said...

Lol man, that is some GOOOOOOOD stuff!!! And, yea mom, I'm commenting on this from school. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Where oh where is my banana bread...

where oh where is he???

T in SNOWY Texas... yesterday that is. But... it did snow for about 4 hours...of course, it did not stick!!!! But, it did SNOW in HOUSTON!!! What a miracle!!

Now, it will be a miracle when my homemade banana bread just happens to arrive in the mail.