Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BCHS Orientation

Tianyan had new student orientation today. I think she was pretty nervous at first, but when she saw that there were going to be other Chinese kids in her class she was pretty happy. Her experience here is different from the other Chinese kids. Tianyan is here to learn as much English as she can and to learn about the American culture. She also got her lock today. When I was picking her up from orientation I noticed her squatting down at the lockers trying to open it. I walked over to see what she was doing when I realized this girl has NEVER opened a locker. We sat there until she mastered the skill of opening a lock.  I think this is among a lot of first for her. I know I have only had her one week but I can't express how lucky we are to have gotten such a sweet girl.  She is pretty much welling to try anything once. I think this is going to be a fun year.

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