Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Menu Planning

I had to learn how to cook at a fairly young age. I think it is very important for children in today's world to learn this soon to be forgotten art. What I mean by this is everything is fast paced for kids. They can pop just about anything into a microwave and zap it is done for them. Do kids really know how to read a recipe and prepare a meal? I really tried to teach our son how to cook, but he never fully had an interest in it. I do have to praise God he married a gal who loves to cook. Hailey knows how to cook some pretty amazing dishes! I know Jake isn't going hungry. We taught Emily her fractions through cooking. Emily can cook just about any and everything. There are some of my recipes that I have made over the years and she has done wonders with them. Whoever has the pleasure of being this gems husband is never going to go hungry. We are now onto teaching Hannah to cook. Yesterday on our way to piano and violin lessons I had her go through my Pinterest boards to help plan a menu. My thinking is if they plan it they will hopefully want to eat it! I teach them the food groups and what should be at every meal. When she was done planning the menu she has to type it and post it for the week. The one thing she doesn't like is shopping for the food. In shopping also teaches them how to budget their money. I try to teach the kids the cost of eating out vs eating at home. I hope these little life lessons that we teach will stick in their little brains.

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