Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lemons to Lemonade

Oh where oh where do I begin?????? The last year and half have been pretty tough on our family, but with God we can get through anything, right?.  I was praying yesterday... thanking God for everything he has given us today, yesterday and the future.  I was also thanking Him for getting us through these difficult times with the business and work.   I know that He will bring us through all of this.  He will provide for our NEEDS.  This is hard to swallow sometimes, because we all have wants that we don't necessarily need. I think everyone has had to cut back on the extra expenses lately.  Just when I was thinking I was going to be able to breathe, David's truck breaks down today on Hwy 46 going to Wasco to work on a bench for a family.  I think God is teaching me patience right now, because I was not a happy camper.  All I was seeing was $$$$ signs.  I started asking a million questions like what happened?, how much is that going to be?, where are we going to get the money to get that fixed?  I should have been asking "David are you ok?"  What are we going to do now?  I think as a wife/mom we get so overwhelmed with life (kids, work, things we do for our spouse) I forget to focus on the big picture and that is trusting that God will get us through this.  I also forget to give my husband the credit that he deserves too through these tough times.  God is good all the time even when we feel like life is giving us lemons.  As Emily & I were leaving the doctors office to pick up David, she played that song "Lemonade" from Chris Rice.  It some how just struck me funny at how we can take those lemons and turn them into something good.  There is someone, somewhere that has it worse than I do.  This is what we saw as we drove up to get David.  Emily & I thought it was really funny to see two grown men sitting stranded on the road side throwing rocks at the fence posts to see how many of them they could hit.  They were turning something that could have made for a bad day into something fun for the moment.   I was thankful that they were safe off the road if any of you know how Hwy 46 is.  It is not a safe highway at all.  God was watching over them and us through this tough time at the moment.  What lemons are you going to turn into Lemonade?????

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Boy, that is so true! That's one of the things I liked about working at the Deaf Center. If I was feeling sorry for myself, all I'd have to do is go to work and realize that I have more in life than so many other people do! God never fails us. In my life, it seems he often waits till the last minute, but we can always trust that he's working on our behalf, no matter whether his answer to our prayer is a yes, no, or wait!